Friday, January 13, 2012

Define Marriage

As stated in class, in debate, whoever establishes the definition of a word can usually control the argument. Today, we have a strong debate on what is a family? What is marriage? Because everyone has different personalities and backgrounds, each person defines things differently. This is one of the reasons we have a dictionary. We need to be able to communicate effectively and if we cannot agree, we cannot converse.

I was reading an article about same sex marriage. The author stated that people believe the main reason for marriage is to procreate. He then argued that if this is the reason we don't allow homosexuals to be married, then neither should those who simply can't have children be wed. The author continues to say that marriage is about love and that homosexuals love just as well as heterosexuals. This is true, but marriage is neither singly about procreation or love. Although these are some reasons to marry, marriage has so many dynamics to support its existence.

So I want thoughts from others, why do we marry? Why does it still exist? What benefits do we get from such an institution?


  1. Marriage, like any other moral decision can base it's roots back to the bible, which dictated that if you wanted a physical relationship and wanted it to be moral you needed to be married.

  2. One idea I have heard of that could resolve the dispute quickly is to get rid of the legal concept of marriage. Marriage was created as a religious institution but government has made it a legal one. If marriage had no more legal ramification than baptism into any church we would not have cause for dispute as it would no longer be something most homosexuals are interested in.

  3. Marriage I found is often associated with commitment. I have come to learn that it is a commitment between three parties yourself, your spouse, and God. A commitment to God is made as well that in the marriage he will be consulted and obeyed that if you follow his commandments the marriage will be blessed. In truth I love marriage because I have included God. I feel any marriage without God is laking, and possibly inappropriate. It is one thing to want to procreate and can't verses being able too and choosing not to. Homosexual marriage deneys the opportunity for children to be brought into this world under the commitment of two people to each other and God and the blessings received from that.

  4. I also have an interesting analogy that is based on the idea that marriage is between three people, the husband, the wife, and God. In three dimensional physics the minimum number of support points required to make a structure stable is three. Take away one and the structure loses stability and any force will cause it to fall. If you look at the statistics they indicate that divorce has a lower rate among Atheists or Agnostics and a higher rate among the more conservatively religious, which would be the opposite of what I just suggested. This happens because the of the three isn't pulling their weight, trusting the other two to make up the difference. Since God will never cut us short we know where the problem lies. Atheists and Agnostics don't trust in God to pull their weight for them but they also get married less often which contributes to a lower divorce rate. In marriage we must do the maximum we are able to do to make it work including serving both our spouse and God. Though I have no statistics to back this up, I personally believe that the best marriages are found among religious couples who put their all into serving both each other and God.
