Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mehrigge is what bwings us togefah today

Someone once told me that the happiest state of being is when someone is happily married, next happily single, then unhappily single and finally unhappily married. There are huge social and even personal pressure to find a significant other; a person that will understand and love us. But it's a big risk putting ourselves out there. If we succeed, we can have the most joy in this life, but if failed, we can get in a horrible state of misery. How do we avoid this risk? The thing is, we can't avoid it, we were never meant to. 2 Nephi 2 discusses how there must be Oposition on all things. If we didn't have this conflict, we would never learn and grow and our agency would be limited. Now this is not to say that we will all fail just so we can learn. There are definitely ways that we can help our marriages to succeed. Here's a few tips: 1. Start it Right. Make sure to have a proper meaningful proposal. Make clear family boundaries between the families that you are becoming one of your own. 2. Being Involved. When it comes to the wedding, picking the house, when expecting each child, etc. Stay connected in the big and little thing (talking about your day). We'll leave it with those things for now. For those of you who have personal or side line insight on what has best helped or destroyed a marriage, please sure with the rest of us. There's no reason to keep such valuable information to ourselves.

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