Saturday, February 4, 2012

Same Doesn't Add to Equal

This week we talked about gender (the differences and similarities). We watched a video about how we are trying to make men and women equal. When the film was originally made, fighting for equallity didn't exactly mean equal. Women were fighting for the right to pretty much be better than the men (they could do all that women can do and also the men). This of course aggravated the men because it attempted to take them out of the equation.
The movie showed that they lowered the standards for women in fields like the armed force and firefighting. Some of the women who wanted to go into these fields couldn't lift the equipment. They couldn't cut a log in half. To me, lowering the eligibility for women is horrible. That's like asking for a doctor who barely passed their medical exams verses the doctor who worked hard and got straight A's.
Don't get me wrong, if the woman can reach the terms the men are required to reach, I'd say all the more power to them. But I don't want the value of my life or that of my friends and family lowered for these so called "equal rights".
Someone told me the argument that in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, it made it easier to avoid anything that didn't fit in our "job" description as male and female. That it was a way out so men didn't have to nurture the children, or women didn't have to provide or preside. In this document, it states that men and women are to have equal part in this. So what do we mean by equal?
I believe equal and same aren't identical as we tend to think. We need to think of all of the differences we have as men and women and enhance them. Use them to build the world into a unique and wonderful place, the way the Lord intended it.

1 comment:

  1. The truth of it is that both men and women need to be prepared to do ether gender role in case of any situation. Such as husband being laid off of work and the wife needing to help provide untill he can find a new job. The women should have an education and the man should know how to run a house and possibly kids. I feel the proclamation to the world nearly states where each gender has its strongest traits and that is how the lord made it. If you need science behind it you should read "Why gender matters".
